About Me...
- Born in Saginaw, Michigan, and raised in nearby Midland.
- Graduated from Midland High School in 1985.
- Spent 1985-1986 in Gray, France (near Dijon)
as a Rotary
Club exchange student, where I studied mathematics at the
Lycée Augustin Cournot
and was fortunate to visit many different places in and around France.
See also this nice English-language site created by
students at Lycée Cournot to present Gray and its surroundings!
- 1986-1990, attended the University
of Michigan at Ann
Arbor, and graduated May 1990 with a B.A. in Computer
Science and Political Science.
- 1990-1995, worked for Andersen Consulting in Minneapolis, Minnesota (although Andersen Consulting renamed itself Accenture as of January 1, 2001). During this time, I worked for PRA Solutions, an enterprise wholly owned by Andersen Consulting.
- 1995-1999, worked for Epic
Systems Corporation in Madison,
- 1999-2004, worked again for PRA Solutions, which renamed itself
Navitaire, Inc. as of January 1, 2001.
- 2004-present, working again for Epic Systems Corporation
in Madison.
- In my spare time, I enjoy making occasional updates to the
web site. (Visit other personal pages
there besides mine!)
- I'm a bit of a political junkie. Check out these photos of me with
Senator John Kerry:
-- in Des Moines, Iowa after the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
on November 15, 2003; and
-- in Madison after John Kerry captured the most votes
in Wisconsin's presidential primary on February 17, 2004.
...And My Family
- I married my wife, Lori
Adams DuRussel, on March 25,
- We moved to Madison and obtained our cats, Bug and Millie, shortly thereafter. Bug is no longer with us, but Millie is, and our kids love her!
- Our daughter Abigail Rose was born
on August 27, 1998.
- Our daughter Bryseida Roxana was born
on October 30, 2000.
- Our son
Gabian Jose Manuel
was born on March 20, 2002.
- Our son
Julian Thomas
was born on April 12, 2008.
- We live at
21 N. Harwood Circle
in Madison, Wisconsin.
- E-mail us individually by each person's first name at durussel.net!